Harnessing the Latest GPT Technology to Soar Business Efficiency

As technology rapidly evolves, our company continuously explores how to utilize these cutting-edge advancements to optimize our business processes. Recently, we have revolutionized our approach to DHL price inquiries by integrating the latest GPT technology into an automated action. This improvement not only accelerates our ability to query DHL prices under complex conditions but also […]

Integrated with ChatGPT AI

We have directly integrated the latest model, gpt-3.5-turbo interface, of ChatGPT API into our company’s operating system. Currently, all functions have been greatly enhanced, and our inquiry and quotation system has adopted AI to accelerate our business processes through data formatting. Other functionalities will also receive AI-empowered enhancements in due course. In addition, we have […]

ChatGPT & NUNN are applied to our system

Due to an increase in the number of inquiries from customers, the front-end has been processing the original pages with OCR to extract text information, which has also significantly increased in frequency. We are using the currently popular ChatGPT and the currently popular neural network inference framework to significantly improve the clarity of images using […]

Blockade in Shanghai

Since the end of March until now, Shanghai has been implementing a lockdown policy to defend itself against a new variant of the covid-19, the Omicron virus. All people, according to the policy, are not allowed to leave their place of residence, nor are they allowed to accept the transportation and movement of goods other […]

Improved 20% performance on automatic quotation system

When dealing with daily quotations, we have been using the company’s specially designed automated quick quote system to meet our need to prepare quotations quickly. Recently, we have made some optimisations to the system’s matching algorithm to improve performance by at least 20%, which we believe will provide a better and more accurate quotation service […]

Vacuum packing

Recently, in addition to the application of anti-corrosion oil, we have also started to use vacuum packaging for spare parts that are prone to rust. This ensures that our customers receive original quality spare parts after a long transport process. Although this requires us to spend more time on packaging during the stocking stage, which […]